Welcome All Missionary Baptist Church

About Us

Why we exist


We exist to be a biblically functional Church, a community of believers ministering to the world, by preaching the Gospel message, and doing the mission work as God uses us in building his Kingdom.

Matthew 28:19-20 KJV - read now


Reach Our City

Located in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, WAMBC has been serving its community for over 50 years. From its humble beginnings, this church has grown into a vibrant and dynamic community of believers, dedicated to sharing the love of Christ with everyone they encounter.

God Centered

WAMBC is a God-centered community that is filled with fire for God. With a strong emphasis on prayer and worship, this church seeks to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God in all aspects of life. Our services are marked by powerful preaching, heartfelt worship, and a welcoming atmosphere that makes everyone feel like family.


Despite its long history, continues to grow and evolve, by utilizing modern tools and resources to reach people both near and far. From online streaming services to social media outreach, this church is constantly finding new ways to connect with people and share the gospel of Christ.


Above all, WAMBC is known for its strong sense of community and family. From its youth ministry to its senior base, this church truly has something for everyone. With a diverse congregation from all walks of life, this church is a shining example of what it means to love God and love others.


Dwayne Bates

Over 50 years of Christ centered community.

From its humble beginnings over 50 years ago, Welcome All has continued to cultivate a vibrant and dynamic community of believers, dedicated to sharing the love of Christ with everyone they encounter.

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